
U.S. to sell 1,000 ventilators to Mexico as the coronavirus pandemic grows

Donald Trump promised López Obrador that Mexico will receive the ventilators by late April

A nurse wearing protective gear tends to patient – Photo: Aris Oikonomou / AFP
17/04/2020 |16:15Pedro Villa y Caña y Alberto Morales |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador

informed that this Friday U.S. President Donald Trump called him to promise him that, according to the corresponding request, Mexico will have 1,000 ventilators for the coronavirus contingency by the end of the month and announced that, in order to thank the neighboring country for its support and, as a testimony of the USMCA entry into force, he proposed Trump a possible meeting between June and July.

In a series of messages published on his Twitter account, López Obrador added that, in addition to Mexico having the ventilators and medical equipment , Trump ensured him that Mexico will be able to purchase more supplies since there are no restrictions for buying this kind of medical equipment in the United States.

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“President Donald Trump called me to answer the request we made regarding the purchase of ventilators and intensive care medical equipment . I was assured that we will have a thousand by the end of this month and that we will be able to purchase more because our country has no restrictions on buying U.S. equipment. It is a new gesture of solidarity toward Mexico.

“I posed the possibility of meeting in June or July to personally show him our gratefulness as the USMCA enters into force.”

In the messages where he appears next to Foreign Affairs Minister Marcelo Ebrard , Mexico sent greeting to fellow citizens as well as to the U.S. people.


On April 10, Andrés Manuel López Obrador informed that Mexico had requested help from the U.S. President so that his government sold 10,000 ventilators to Mexico as well as 10,000 monitors for fighting the coronavirus pandemic.

During a news conference in the National Palace, Mexico’s president added that the U.S. President said he would analyze it with his team in charge of the supply of inputs to give him an answer.

“We have a good relationship [with the U.S. government] so we asked them, on behalf of the Mexican people, to help us by selling us 10,000 ventilators and 10,000 monitors. I told him we are aware of the harsh situation they are going through, the general lack of ventilators, but I also said they have more possibilities, more factories , more technological development , and more economic resources,” he said.

