
UNAM reports “seizure” of distribution center

A group arguing lack of transparency from the authorities has taken control over the distribution center at the Olympic Stadium

28/09/2017 |09:59
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Last night, a group of people took control of the distribution center located in the Olympic Stadium of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Through a statement, the UNAM informed that on Tuesday night, a group of people joined the distribution and classification works of the humanitarian aid arriving at the Olympic Stadium.

“Hours later, this group pretended to hold a meeting inside the stadium, where they determined the staff and personnel of the general offices of the Community Support and General and Mobility Services had to depart from the venue, arguing a lack of transparency in the final destination of the aid.”

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“The distribution and classification tasks have been affected,” the statement added, establishing the University is no longer in conditions to supervise the transportation and destination of the supplies donated by the society.

The University said they received almost 900 tonnes of humanitarian aid which they classified and sent to Morelos, Puebla, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Guerrero, State of Mexico and 23 areas within Mexico City between September 20 and 26.

According to Jair Rodríguez, member of the board and student coordinator of the distribution center at the Olympic Stadium, the group of people are “students, professors, and even parents,” who questioned the destination of the humanitarian aid trucks. Thus, several assemblies took place yesterday at the faculties of the University to listen to the opinion of other members of the community, and the decision to overthrow the control of the authorities was reached after the popular vote in favor of this measure.

Mr. Rodríguez explained they have a supervision process for the trucks departing the University City with donations and that they continue receiving the humanitarian aid offered by the society.

The Faculty of Higher Studies Acatlán released a statement through their Twitter account thanking the support of the community but explaining the distribution center within its facilities has also concluded its operation, “seeing that for reasons beyond the University's control” the distribution center of the Olympic Stadium has also concluded theirs.

The full statement of the university can be
