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The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) announced the creation of the San Augustin Museum (MUSA), which aims to poetry and other forms of art expressed through indigenous languages .
The museum will be housed in the building currently known as St. Augustins Temple (or the former National Library) in 76 Republica del Salvador, Historic Downtown, Mexico City.
According to the information published by the UNAM's Gazette, the driving force behind this initiative was the need to contribute to multilingualism, starting from the languages of indigenous peoples in order to complement the work already done with foreign languages.
“It's necessary to have a better understanding and information on poetry and other manifestations in Mexican languages, as a supporting activity to what is already being done, always with the intention of assisting in the preservation and promotion of our values and heritage, ” reads a fragment of the document.
The idea is to have the museum open spaces for Mexican indigenous languages so they are “better understood,” in addition to encouraging the oral tradition of Mexican communities and cultures.
The museum will feature exhibitions, conferences, certification programs, concerts, contests, workshops, TV series, radio programs, and more.