
UK-Mexico alliance to tackle corruption and impunity in pursuit of economic development

The UK embassy in Mexico launched the Anti-Corruption and Rule of Law Prosperity Fund to reduce poverty and increase prosperity and security in our country

The Anti-Corruption and Rule of Law UK and Mexico Prosperity Fund was launched on Sept. 17 - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
18/09/2019 |16:01EL UNIVERSAL in English/Miranda Perea |
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Amidst heavy rain, a good omen for the British, the United Kingdom’s embassy in Mexico launched the UK Prosperity Fund Mexico Program focused on the support of inclusive economic development to reduce poverty and increase prosperity and security in our country, as well as in the UK.

Baroness Susan Williams

, UK’s Minister of State and Minister of Equalities , introduced the Anti-Corruption and Rule of Law UK and Mexico Prosperity Fund and said it was designed as a “powerful mechanism to maximize our shared prosperity and support social inclusion,” which will focus on the detection and investigation of priority crimes in the areas of rule of law , anti-corruption , and cybercrime , working jointly with justice institutions to ensure equal access to justice .

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The program will work jointly with the current Mexican government, which has recognized impunity as the principal barrier to fight insecurity and corruption in the National Plan for Development 2019-2024 . Mexico is at an ideal time for strategic interventions that allow it to reduce poverty and advance in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals .

The Anti-Corruption and Rule of Law Program focuses on contributing to the consolidation of the Anti-Corruption and Criminal Justice systems through the strengthening of detection and investigation skills in case of corruption and high-impact crimes.

The program will support Mexico for 3.5 years and has three key goals: improving the detection and investigation of high priority crimes, training male and female officers to boost their efficiency, and promoting coordination between security agencies .

On August 8 , UK’s Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab visited Mexico City to launch the new Partnership Agreement with Mexico to boost sustainable and inclusive economic growth in both countries. The partnership, signed by Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Minister Marcelo Ebrard , promotes greater investment and trade in advanced manufacturing, energy, financial services, health, and education, as well as green finance and technology.

Ahead of his visit, Dominic Raab said, “The new partnership that we’re launching today is an important part of our Global Britain strategy . The UK is excited to be working with our Mexican friends to develop a win-win relationship. There are huge opportunities to boost two-way trade , create jobs , tackle poverty and inequality , and address key Mexican priorities such as strengthening transparency and reducing corruption .”

The program seeks to strengthen the relationship between the UK and Mexico by building a partnership that will equally benefit the UK regarding its international political, security, and economic priorities .

Although Mexico is the 15th largest market in the world, around half the population in the country lives in poverty . In addition, gender inequality is intensified, for poverty has a disproportionate effect on women and girls, further suggesting Mexico’s significant issue with inclusive growth .

Mexico and the UK have the opportunity to strengthen their bilateral relationship , but for this, Mexico needs to increase its market visibility in the UK so that the latter’s trade and investment in our country can grow, as well as creating confidence in its market.

The UK wants to include Mexico in a group of avant-garde countries that work in business transparency , just as the UK is doing with its own businesses to ensure that British money is being used in companies that have integrity . They want their international partners to push the same standards on their companies.

Working hand in hand with the vision of Mexico’s new government, the program will have a geographical approach with federal, state, and municipal governments .

The UK Prosperity Fund Mexico Program , centered on reducing poverty and gender inequality in Mexico, as well as generating opportunities for international businesses, will focus on four axes: Energy, Future Cities, Financial Services, and Anti-Corruption and Rule of Law.

The program will devote GBP £ 60 million to complement the work of the Mexican government, as well as that of other donors, to have a greater impact. In economic terms, the program’s impact is expected to benefit the Mexican economy by GBP £ 886 million .

The UK also seeks to open up new markets and to further international businesses to have an overall growth of markets . UK businesses would see their exports increase to GBP £ 462 million by 2026 .

Regarding gender equality , the program seeks to improve the lives of Mexican girls and women by increasing their participation in decision-making processes , fostering dialogue , promoting cultural change , giving access to professional training , and increasing knowledge of women’s rights .

The UK will provide its expertise in the areas where the priorities of both countries align. For the UK, it means to promote its prosperity, protect its people, and project the UK’s global influence , the three pillars of the UK National Security Strategy .

For Mexico, the program will encourage the use of renewables and the adoption of energy efficiency policies ; it will promote the adaptation and implementation of measures that improve Mexico’s economic development , including international businesses; the reduction of impunity and corruption ; and improving financial inclusion for the poorest.

In addition, the program will help achieve several goals included in the UN Sustainable Development goals , such as ending poverty in all its forms everywhere, achieving gender equality and empower all women and girls, ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all , promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth , employment , and decent work for all; industry, innovation, and infrastructure, reducing inequality within and among countries, making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable ; and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development .
