
UAEH’s request to unblock bank accounts rejected by district court

A second district court denied a request by the University of Hidalgo to unblock their bank accounts

On February 26, the UIF informed that the university’s bank accounts had been blocked - Photo: Dado Ruvic/Reuters
19/04/2019 |14:08Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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The second district court in the Mexican state of Hidalgo has categorically denied a request by the University of Hidalgo (UAEH) to have their bank accounts unlocked.

Nearly two months ago, the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) of Mexico’s Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) revealed that the university was being investigated for laundering USD$150 million that it had allegedly received from Switzerland through accounts in 22 countries around the globe.

On February 26 , the UIF informed that the university’s bank accounts had been blocked.

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To order the unblocking of the accounts, the judge claimed, would amount to enacting the ‘amparo’ appeal filed by the university earlier this year. Furthermore, the suspension of the measure would be detrimental for public order and the interest of society, since the purpose of blocking the accounts is to prevent the commission or continuity of a crime, notably financial operations with illegally-sourced funds.

The judge took into account the right of society to the investigation, protection against, and detection of illegal activities.
