
The truth behind Colosio's murder

The organization Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity obtained this information and Aburto's statement, along with the whole dossier, which is now available on its website

Luis Donaldo Colosio – Photo: Eduardo Espinoza/EL UNIVERSAL
03/02/2019 |13:16EFE |
Redacción El Universal
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Two months after being arrested for the murder of Luis Donaldo Colosio, a Mexican politician and the PRI's presidential candidate in 1994 , Mario Aburto claimed that then-President Carlos Salinas de Gortari called him but he rejected the call.

The organization obtained this information and Aburto's statement , along with the whole dossier , which is now available on its website .

“An agent approached Aburto without being noticed by his colleagues and told him that President Salinas de Gortari was on the phone and that he wanted to negotiate. And that whatever the declarant wanted, the President would give it to him but that he would have to agree with what the President said and that he should preferably say that he was paid by a political party ,” reads the document.

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It adds that “the declarant replied that even if they killed him, he would never collaborate with that type of things and that the person he was talking to punched him in the face and asked him who he was to say that.”

In its Youtube channel , the organization shared a video from September 1994 , where Mario Aburto is seen recreating the events that took place on March 23 . In the video, Aburto explains that his intention wasn't to shoot Colosio.

The file shows contradictions

The declassification of the file of the murder of the then-presidential candidate, Luis Donaldo Colosio , provides numerous details that were unknown.

The file has over 10,000 pages and contains unpublished documents such as confrontations, testimonies, photographs, and videos that are inconsistent with what was known.

After the arrest of the self-confessed murdered, Mario Aburto , who shot Colosi o twice at a meeting in Tijuana on March 23, 1994 , his then-girlfriend said that he had talked about the gun he owned.

Nevertheless, during a confrontation contained in the file , the murdered asked her to tell the truth even if they made her choose between her family and him, after that, the woman collapsed and recognized she didn't know anything about a gun.

Another surprising information is a statement in regards to the events, which was signed by 9 federal agents , although 7 of them said there weren't at the plac e where the shooting took place.


, who is in jail , prepared himself for the execution for some time, according to the verdict , and this was confirmed by his cousins but they then retracted and explained that federal agents told them they would end up in a grave if they didn’t support those statements.

This and many other details, backed by official documents , were published by Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity on its website. The organization also published an article that explains the inconsistencies in the case.

The organization is expecting to receive 213 unpublished videos contained in the file, which will be analyzed and published so the public learns more about the case.