
Trudeau is considering visiting Mexico in October

The visit will be the first trip to Mexico since Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, assumed office

15/08/2017 |13:05Reuters |
Redacción El Universal
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Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau , considers traveling to Mexico in October to meet with President Enrique Peña Nieto , Trudeau said on Tuesday at his office.

The visit will be Trudeau's first trip to Mexico since he took office in 2015 and it will take place among North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) trilateral negotiations. Peña Nieto visited Trudeau in Ottawa in June 2016.

The negotiations for NAFTA's modification will start in Washington on Wednesday. American President, Donald Trump has said that Mexico and Canada have taken wrongful advantage of the commercial relationship. Ottawa implied that it could abandon the agreement if the US forces to remove a dispute settlement mechanism in the trade deal.

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Trudeau's spokesman said that the trip is “ possible ”, yet is too early to confirm dates for the visit or an agenda.
