
Transplants from incompatible blood groups performed successfully in Mexico

Two kidney transplants from incompatible ABO blood groups were performed successfully at two hospitals of Mexico's Social Security Institute (IMSS)

Organ transplant - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
03/06/2018 |14:00Perla Miranda |
Redacción El Universal
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For the first time in Mexico and Latin America, two kidney transplants from incompatible ABO blood groups were performed at two hospitals of Mexico's Social Security Institute (IMSS).

David González, 26, and Liliana González, 28 – both with chronic kidney disease – were the two recipients whose case evolution has been successful thus far and who have been cleared of rejection.

According to José Alfonso Yamamoto, head of the Donation & Transplants Coordination of the IMSS, these transplants are the result of research protocols implemented by the IMSS to update their treatment of degenerative chronic diseases.

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Considering the positive results of this new organ transplant procedure, the IMSS is currently assessing the viability of implementing the technique in its other Specialty Clinics so that more patients can benefit from it. It is estimated that 15% of transplant candidates on the waiting list could benefit from this new procedure – that is, up to 1,200 transplants could be performed in ABO non-compatible patients.

José Mariano Hernández, head of the Transplant Department at the “La Raza” General Hospital, detailed that the process consists of safely eliminating anti-A and anti-B antibodies to decrease the rejection possibilities of a kidney after being transplanted.

For his part, Ramón Espinoza, Head of the Transplant Unit at the “Siglo XXI” Speciality Hospital, said this innovative process has the goal of offering a better quality of life to patients.

For Carlos Cuevas García, Director of the Speciality Hospital, this procedure opens up new possibilities as it could be adapted, in the future, for other organ transplants , such as heat, skin, and more.
