
Trans women in Mexico act in solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic

The "Paola Buenrostro" Home gives shelter to 12 transgender women during the pandemic

The "Paola Buenrostro" Home is located in Mexico City - Photo: Diego Simón Sánchez/EL UNIVERSAL
27/06/2020 |13:12Carolina Romero |
Redacción El Universal
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lives the without a lockdown and without halting her work to help the transgender community . The “Paola Buenrostro” Home in Mexico City has given shelter to 12 trans women who were left without a home or a job due to the pandemic.

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Now, living in an environment of sisterhood , the women, most of whom are sex workers , have the opportunity to certify their education via online and even learn beauty activities to leave sex work behind and support themselves economically once the lockdown ends.

Trans women in Mexico act in solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic

The women who stay at the receive food through the Community Kitchen program that distributes meals among the neighbors living in La Casilda, Cuautepec Barrio Alto , where the home is located.


Trans women in Mexico act in solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic

Some of them still keep the clothes they wore as sex workers .

Trans women in Mexico act in solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic

Thanks to Kenia Cuevas, trans women have the opportunity to live with their new sisters.


Trans women in Mexico act in solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic

Through workshops, women can learn beauty activities to leave sex work behind.

Trans women in Mexico act in solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic

The place has everything the trans women need to live during the health emergency .

Trans women in Mexico act in solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic

The women spend time together and talk while they enjoy the food the shelter provides for them.


Trans women in Mexico act in solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic

