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Throughout 2020, the victims of crimes and abuses had to face delays and the lack of coordination between government departments. Moreover, the current situation is not positive for the 24.7 million of Mexicans who are the victims of a crime every year, especially the small part who looks for damage repair and ask the government for help.
Two months after Mara González faced serious accusations, she resigned from the Executive Commission for Victim Assistance (CEAV), the government department is overwhelmed by the number of requests. At the same time, it doesn’t have a new director and a work overload that makes the situation even more difficult for the victims who demand compensation and justice after the human rights were violated.
Although the Executive Commission for Victim Assistance is quite important for civil society, the federal government has yet to find a new director, nor has it modified the conditions that led to the current crisis at the institution.
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One of the CEAV ’s most important missions is the National Victims’ Registry (RENAVI), which has stagnated in the process to admit new cases, the first step for victims to receive compensation. Around 500 people request to be included in the registry every month and by June, the RENAVI had 34,000 requests.
Now due to financial restrictions, the victims have to wait for months and in some cases even years before experts evaluate their situation. Many of them are denied the registry due to situations that are out of their control.
Unfortunately, victims have to face the new normal, indifference, and negligence . Therefore, there can’t be justice for victims if there is no registry. This is why it is essential to solving the situation at the National Victims’ Registry, as well as work in coordination with other government departments involved in the attention of victims and the administration of justice.