
Tlen Huicani spreads Son Jarocho throughout the world

Thanks to them, the Son Jarocho has reached five continents and 65 countries

The musicians have toured the world and given concerts all around, but they have also committed to teach young people about Veracruz’s cultural heritage - Photo: Taken from Tlen Huicani's Twitter account
23/10/2018 |17:18Edgar Ávila / Corresponsal |
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The rhymes and verses of Tlen Huicani , the singing poets , have transcended borders. Thanks to them, the Son Jarocho has reached five continents and 65 countries , ranging from Alaska to Iran and the United Arab Emirates. Now, the poetry and dance from the state of Veracruz has become eternal.

Tlen Huicani, which is Náhuatl for “the singers,” has spent the last 45 years making history. They first performed at an anthropology congress in Xalapa in 1973 . One year later, they returned to stage and haven’t stopped since.

The musicians have toured the world and given concerts all around, but they have also committed to teach young people about Veracruz’s cultural heritage.

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It is all thanks to Alberto de la Rosa, aged 71 , who has the Son Jarocho in his soul and blood. “We should not only teach people how to play, but also to love the harp,” stated the teacher, who has helped numerous musicians’ careers, including those of his two daughters.

The Son Jarocho that Tlen Huicani plays is important because, according to De la Rosa “ it is the root of Mexican music, and it makes all the difference in a globalized world that is trying to depersonalize us .” With a harp, guitar, jarana, bass, and percussion , the band plays some of the most popular songs of Veracruz, as well as 40 original compositions .
