
The Three Kings go green

The Semarnat explained that balloons aren't biodegradable and that both aquatic and terrestrial animals die because they eat the balloons or get trapped in cords

Mexican children release balloons for the Three Kings - Photo: Ariel Ojeda/EL UNIVERSAL
03/01/2019 |14:02Perla Miranda |
Redacción El Universal
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Through Mexico's Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat ), the Three Kings are asking Mexican children not to send their letters through balloons in order to prevent the pollution of rivers, lakes, and oceans .

In a brief message, Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar said that on January 5, they will no longer receive letters because they cause a lot of pollution , “the balloons fall into rivers, lakes, and oceans, and many animals confuse plastic with food.”

The Three Kings asked children to leave their letters under the Christmas tree , inside a shoe, or send it by mail. They promised to read them all and deliver every gift .

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“Help look after the environment , we love you, kind regards, Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar ,” they said on their letter.

In support of the Three Kings, the Semarnat explained that balloons aren't biodegradable and they fall into the earth, where they stay for a long time and as a consequence, both aquatic and terrestrial animals die because they eat the balloons or get trapped in the cords.
