
Thousands march in London against Brexit

The People's March for Europe took place days ahead of a Parliament vote on a bill that aims to end the supremacy of EU laws

A woman with a painted face poses for a photograph during a demonstration against Britain's decision to leave the European Union - Photo: Neil Hall/REUTERS
09/09/2017 |10:00
Redacción El Universal
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Thousands of people gathered in central London to take part in a demonstration in favor of keeping the United Kingdom in the European Union ( EU ), days ahead of a Parliament vote on a bill that aims to end the supremacy of EU laws by incorporating them into domestic legislation post-Brexit .

Participants, many with faces painted blue with yellow stars, marched from Hyde Park to Parliament, waving the EU flag.

The demonstration, featuring speeches by Irish musician Bob Geldof and former Liberian Democrat Ed Davey , was called " The People's March for Europe ", under the motto "unite, rethink and reject Brexit."

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On their website, The People's March for Europe organization assures that public opinion in the UK does not support any Brexit and urges the Government to remain in the EU.

According to the organizers, it is not necessary to accept as conclusive the referendum of June 23, 2016 , in which 52% British advocated leaving the European Union.

The march took place days ahead of a Parliament vote on the “ Repeal Bill ”, which will shift EU legislation into British law as part of the Brexit process.

British Government wants to be prepared with a new legal framework before falling out of the union on March 29, 2019 .

After the vote on Monday, the Repeal Bill will be subject to an amendment to be eventually voted in a final way by the House of Commons and the House of the Lords .

For more information about The People's March for Europe visit the following link: .
