
A third migrant caravan is on its way to the US

450 Central American migrants arrived in Mexico City this weekend

Central American caravan - Photo: Pedro Pardo/EL UNIVERSAL
04/11/2018 |15:26María de Jesús Peters - Corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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After walking 11 miles in four hours, over 3,000 Salvadorans , part of the third migrant caravan , arrived into Tapachula, Chiapas ; after illegally crossing into Mexico through the Suchiate river last Friday, that dives Mexico and Guatemala .

The caravan is formed mostly by young males, women and their children , pregnant women , elderly people , people from the LGBTI community, and disabled people . They woke up at 4:00 a.m. to continue their journey, after resting on Saturday.

The caravan was guarded by Chiapas' Border Patrol and an ambulance, while they walked through the Metapa – Tapachula highway.

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The members of the caravan decided to walk early in the morning to avoid the sun at noon, as well as the high temperatures.

After crossing the city, the caravan installed itself in the central park to rest, they will continue their journey on Monday.

Meanwhile, 450 migrants arrived in Mexico's capital this weekend; many more are expected to arrive this week. Mexico City' s government installed s shelter where they have received medical care, food, and clothing.
