
Theresa May to reschedule crucial Bexit vote

Last week she postponed a vote on the plan in the face of deep opposition within her own Conservative Party

UK and EU flags overlap during an anti-Brexit protest opposite the Houses of Parliament in London, Britain - Photo: Toby Melville/REUTERS
17/12/2018 |15:53Reuters |
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British Prime Minister Theresa May

said on Monday that she intended to re-schedule a delayed vote in parliament on her Brexit plan in the week starting on January 14 .

“Many members of this house are concerned that we need to take a decision soon,” May told lawmakers in the House of Commons .

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“We intend to return to the ‘ Meaningful Vote ’ debate in the week commencing seventh of January, and hold the vote the following week.”

Last week she postponed a vote on the plan in the face of deep opposition within her own Conservative Party .
