
The unbearable insecurity

Inhabitants are forced to create armed groups to fight criminal groups that threaten them if they don't agree to pay a “rent fee”

Crime rate has been on the raise for the last decade - Photo: Valente Rosas/EL UNIVERSAL
06/08/2018 |08:01
Redacción El Universal
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is an issue that has been present in Mexico for a decade , at least, in the face of the clear omission and indifference from every government level. Last week, the Inegi released countrywide data on intentional homicide from 2017 . The number is 27% highe r than the one registered in 2016 , and in 2018 the criminal curve will continue to increase .

The information published by EL UNIVERSAL in the last couple of days accounts for this.

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In Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua , 30 executions were registered in less than 48 hours . Last Thursday , 11 people lost their lives during one single event.

In at least 30 towns in Guerrero, Michoacán, Morelos, and Tabasco , groups of inhabitants form armed groups to face criminal groups who threaten them if they don't agree to pay a “rent fee”. In their towns, institutional courses in charge of fighting crime simply don't exist or don't have the ability to do it.

In an interview published today , the Internal Affairs Secretary, Alfonso Navarrete , concedes that there is an institutional weakness : “We've been discussing the police model municipalities should have for over 8 years”. Although the official blames the delay on the judicial branch, that hasn't motivated the authorities, on their own initiative, to equip the police forces adequately to fight crime or to bet on adopting an effective security model.

The State of Mexico's Attorney General agrees on the diagnosis , he affirms that in the Mexican municipalities , they have found cases of police commands protecting criminal bands.

Also, on Monday , an account of Jalisco's situation was given, which has practically turned into a battlefield , especially the capital . In this entity , 2018 will be the most violent year in the last three years . In 2015 , there were 1, 019 intentional homicides ; in 2016 there were 1,153 ; in 2017 the number increased to 1,342 ; during 2018's first semeste r there have been 882 homicides. 76% of the homicides have taken place in Guadalajara .


like the ones described above are not exclusive to these regions , they are also reproduced in other areas . Beyond which word is used to define the country's current insecurity situation: “war”, “crisis”, “severe problem”, the truth is that in dozens of cities, everyday life has been disrupted by the crime rate.

There are diagnoses that highlight the weaknesses , but the solutions are yet to come . How long will the citizens have to wait for the authorities to guarantee their safety?
