The Mexican government signed an agreement with the Teletón Foundation so that the federal and state governments can use 23 Children's Rehabilitation Centers (CRITS) as to treat patients with mild symptoms, as well as regular hospitals.

During President López Obrador’s news conference, Health Minister Jorge Alcocer Varela and Teletón Director Fernando Landeros Verdugo signed the agreement.

Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard emphasized besides the support shown by and NGOs distributing PPE among healthcare workers, the Teletón Foundation is joining the efforts to increase the hospitals’ capacity to treat patients infected with COVID-19 .


“Today we sign an agreement that allows the use of (the Teletón’s) facilities all over the country, 23 of them, so they can convert them (and use them) according to the priorities of state governments.”

Fernando Landeros Verdugo

, the head of the Teletón Foundation, said the organization will join the efforts in the fight against by converting its facilities. Landeros also thanked those who are part of the Board of Trustees , including Emilio Azcárraga , the head of Grupo Televisa ; Alejandro Vargas drom MVS ; Eduardo Ricalde Medina; Mr. Juan Francisco Ealy Ortiz , EL UNIVERSAL ’s Executive President; Francisco Aguirre and Francisco Ibarra from Grupo ACIR ; Carlos Slim Domit; Olegario Vázquez Aldir from Grupo Ángeles , among others.

The Children's Rehabilitation Centers t hat will be used to treat patients infected with COVID-19 are located in Durango , the State of Mexico, Jalisco , Veracruz , Baja California Sur, Guanajuato , and Puebla .



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