
Teenage writer promotes gender equality in Mexico

She will travel to Colombia, Canada, England, Japan, China, and Korea to share her experience

Young writer and activist Fernanda González Viramontes - Photo: Taken from her Instagram account
30/06/2019 |13:46Notimex |
Redacción El Universal
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Fernanda González Viramontes

is a 15-year-old writer, activist, and speaker who promotes gender equality , and the empowerment of girls and boys.

In an interview, Fernanda explained that she has written and published three books .

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She said that her first book, Blue and Pink , is about the inequality she perceived when she was 8 years old. This book aimed to identify everyday sexism .

Fernanda said that in her second book, Attention, I'm in social media , she talks “about the dangers present in social media , especially as teenagers (…) I talk about topics such as cyberbullying, grooming, and sexting .”

Her third book, Walking together towards equality, was recently published and is aimed towards an “older audience, it basically talks about how to include new masculinities , mainly in regards to gender equality .”

She also mentioned that she is currently working on another book that is about “ empowerment because it's an issue that I talk to about with girls and boys a lot and also about what I have learned and my experience in this small journey.”

She added that she will visit Colombia soon, and then will travel to Canada, England, Japan, China, and Kore a to share her experience and views.

Fernanda emphasized that in order to promote human rights and gender equality , the current generations are key for this process .

Fernanda was awarded the 2017 National Youth Prize and the 2018 International Human Rights Prize .
