
Tearing down walls with craft beer

Mexican and American craft brewers launched eight beers to celebrate their industries

Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
04/11/2017 |12:25
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and American craft brewers will toast together, with the launch of eight beers made between producers from both countries, in order to celebrate both agricultural industries.

The United States Department of Agriculture

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( USDA ) with the support of the Brewers Association and the Mexican Association of Microbrewers ( Asociación Cervecera de la República Mexicana abbreviated ACERMEX ), launched a call to find breweries interested in participating in a transnational collaborative project , in order to create a beer that celebrates the best of both industries.

According to Acermex, in each collaboration, the Mexican brewer traveled to the United States to develop a recipe, whose results were creations that bring together the best of both countries: fresh hops , coconuts , grapefruit , lemon and even mole and grasshoppers .

"These collaborations celebrate the close relationship maintained by the agricultural industries of both countries," the association said in a statement highlighting that Mexico is the first importer of North American barley and the second of hops .

"This sort of alliances are very important for craft brewers, because not only is there an opportunity to learn about new production processes, but through this project, new relationships have emerged between the breweries, which translate into new learning and business projects."
