
Tania María, an astronaut in the making

Tania María Robles studies Mechanical Engineering at the UNAM and wants to become an astronaut

The MDRS aims to investigate the feasibility of a human exploration of Mars - Photo: Jim Urquhart/REUTERS
19/12/2018 |14:18Notimex y Redacción |
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Tania María Robles Hernández

, a student from Mexico's National Autonomous University (UNAM) will be part of the first Analog Mission to Mars with an all- Mexican crew, in collaboration with the Mars Society.

In the Exploratory Mission 1 (Mex-1) , the university student and other five young people: Juan Carlos Mariscal Gómez, Genaro Grajeda López, Walter Calles Glass, César Augusto Serrano Martínez and Arturo Federico Espinoza will simulate all the real conditions in Mars .

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The Mexican delegation traveled to the Utah desert in the U.S. and will stay in the country until December 30 , according to the UNAM .

Tania María Robles

, who is studying Mechanical Engineering at the UNAM , has participated in previous analog missions : in the Latin American mission CREW 187 LATAM II organized by the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) , which took place in January.

During this first mission, they will validate the space exploration technology developed by Mexican scientists , they will also document and generate the necessary information to carry out future missions , a Mex-2 , and even use this information to build an analog training station for astronauts in the country.

Robles Hernández

's goal is clear: “I want to be an astronaut and the path I have followed is the right one,” but she is also looking to get close to other young students and motivate them to participate in analog missions.
