
Tamayo painting sells for USD $5 million in New York

Dog Howling at the Moon” is considered one of the masterpieces of Mexican artist Rufino Tamayo

Tamayo's painting “Dog Howling at the Moon” - Image taken from www.sothebys.com
16/05/2018 |15:02
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Auction house Sotheby's in New York sold yesterday for USD$ 5 million the painting “ Dog Howling at the Moon ,” considered one of the masterpieces of Mexican artist Rufino Tamayo .

“Dog Howling at the Moon” was painted in 1942 and is the last masterpiece of the celebrated series of animal paintings by Tamayo, a native of Oaxaca.

This piece captures the existential anguish which followed the beginning of the Second World War, according to Sotheby's.

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During a statement released to announce the auction, Sotheby's explained that Tamayo's animal series was directly inspired by Picasso's monumental “ Guernica ,” although the works of Tamayo stand out for the use of its vibrant palette.

The sale of “Dog Howling to the Moon” took place after “The Rivals” by Diego Rivera broke a world record for a painting sold at auction, selling for USD$ 9.7 million.