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Ramírez Cuéllar propone una Cumbre urgente entre México, EU y Canadá; legislador busca fortalecer unión de América del Norte
Detienen a persona vinculada al homicidio del magistrado Edmundo Román Pinzón; Fiscalía de Guerrero continúa con las indagatorias
Sheinbaum entrega tarjetas Pensión Mujeres Bienestar en Morelos; más de 16 mil derechohabientes serán beneficiadas
Made in 2007 , the last work of the American artist Nancy Spero entitled Maypole: Take No Prisoners is now in Mexico City , available to all at the Tamayo Museum of Contemporary Art .
Known as one of the first feminist activists in the U.S. , Nancy Spero created several organic and radical art pieces that challenged the political, social, and cultural status quo of her time.
Nancy Spero: Paper Mirror
is the first large-scale exhibition of the artist to come to Mexico, featuring works created throughout all 50 years of her career .
The exhibition consists of around 100 art pieces and will be available until February 17 , presenting some of Spero’s most famous works such as Kill Commies , River of Victims , The Bomb , Pacification , Female Bomb , and Male Bomb .