
Surprising health benefits of ponche

Besides being delicious, ponche is perfect to keep yourself warm in winter

Ponche is a traditional beverage in Mexico – Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
01/01/2020 |15:27Paola Jiménez |
Redacción El Universal
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is one of Mexico’s traditional beverages during the holiday season and it is always present in posadas and dinners. Besides being delicious, ponche is perfect to keep yourself warm in winter .

This beverage is a combination of different fruits like apple , , , , sugar cane, raisins, and some people even add a bit of . All these ingredients make ponche to be a beverage full of .

Once you know all the health benefits of ponche , it will surely become one of your favorite beverages.

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It helps to heal wounds

One of the benefits of drinking ponche is that it can help heal wounds . This is thanks to all the vitamins it contains but mainly due to vitamin C that works as an ascorbic acid which has an important role in the healing process.

It prevents colds

Ponche is a beverage that contains fruits that supply vitamin C, like guavas and tejocotes. It is known that vitamin C helps prevent respiratory diseases like colds.

In addition, these fruits also stimulate the production of leukocytes which prevent bacterias and viruses from entering into the body, according to a study published in the .

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It fights constipation

Another of the benefits of drinking ponche is that it can fight constipation . If you constantly suffer from this issue, then we recommend you drink ponche.


has this benefit because the peels from the fruits it contains, like apple, are a good source of fiber and besides fighting constipation, having a diet high in fiber can prevent cholesterol levels in blood from rising, as mentions the .

It improves digestion

Tamarind, raisins, guava, and sugar cane are a source of fiber and hence they are good to improve digestion . It is normal for us to eat too much in the holiday season and sometimes this causes stomach upset , but by drinking ponche you will be preventing all these problems.

The food we eat in the holiday season can cause inflammation in the intestine, but since it contains vitamin E, guava can fight this symptom.

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It provides antioxidants

One of the ingredients in ponche is tejocote , which contains phenols and flavonoids , antioxidants that, along with vitamin C, can hinder aging signs, improve the immune system , and work as anti-inflammatories.

These are some of the benefits of drinking ponche; besides it being a delicious beverage, it can help you improve your and fight some intestinal problems .

But you must consider that when fruits are boiled for too long it can lose some of its nutrients so it is best to first add the hardest fruits and the softest at last.

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