
Supreme Court investigates judge who handled the Santa Lucía case

It was revealed that there are serious accusations against the judge

Minister Zaldívar has vowed to eradicate corruption at the Supreme Curt - Photo: Germán Espinosa/EL UNIVERSAL
13/10/2019 |12:57Diana Lastiri |
Redacción El Universal
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The Federal Judicial Council ordered the indefinite suspension of federal magistrate Jorge Arturo Camero Ocampo , for alleged serious inconsistencies in his finances . After the irregularities were found, authorities opened an investigation about the magistrate, who has been in charge of handling the amparos filed against the construction of the Santa Lucía airport.

Sources told EL UNIVERSAL that one of the irregularities found in the acquisition of a home in an upscale neighborhood in Mexico City for MXN $17.8 million .

The resolution was issued by the President of the Supreme Court, Arturo Zaldívar Lelo de Larrea , who refused to name the magistrate or provide more details about the irregularities .

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Minister Zaldívar

emphasized his zero tolerance for corruption and nepotism .

Santa Lucía

As part of an administrative tribunal , magistrate Ocampo has handled cases such as the amparos against the construction of the Santa Lucía airport . For example, in July, the tribunal unanimously ruled in favor of the provisional suspension of the construction of the Santa Lucía airport and ordered the preservation of the construction site at Texcoco , a project canceled by President López Obrador; nevertheless, on October 11, the tribunal denied the request to take one of the amparos against the new airport to the Supreme Court .
