A stop to the clash between the Court and the Interior

After the Ministry of the Interior pointed out that given the violent panorama we have in the country, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation hasn't ruled on the constitutionality of the Law on Internal Security, a clash between the Judicial and Executive branches was about to break out. Our sources say that during the plenary session of the Court, in private, the ministers discussed the best way in which they would reply to the position of the Ministry of the Interior, which was interpreted as a reproach which many have considered to be unjust since some issues of said Law have been resolved at the Supreme Court. We're told that when they were about to issue a public stance to refute the Executive Branch, the President Minister Luis María Aguilar , received a call from the Minister of the Interior Alfonso Navarrete Prida , whom we're told explained that it was never an issue about reproaching the Judicial Branch and offered to leave a public record that such wasn't the intention of the Federal Government. After this chat, the ministers of the plenum decided to accept the explanation and agreed not to refute the Executive Branch and avoided a confrontation between the Branches which, we've been told, hasn't happened since the Felipe Calderón administration.

AMLO upset by excessive security

We're told that yesterday it was quite clear that Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) was upset over the excessive civil protection arranged by the organizers of his rally in Ixmiquilpan, Hidalgo , given that a mobilization of this kind hadn't been seen during his campaign. There were even inspection filters in place. Obrador was led inside the venue amidst the shoves and pushes of the security personnel who also threw out some punches to several sympathizers. Usually, everytime Obrador arrives to his rallies, he likes to walk without bodyguards and stop to listen to some members of the crowd, or simply greet those who approach him to shake hands or take a selfie. Yesterday, however, we're told the reinforced security was due to a clash between the far-left Labor Party (PT) and the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA), who are going their separate ways in local elections. In the rally, López Obrador was seen quite uncomfortable.

Third debate: the guayabera dilemma

Everything is almost ready for the third presidential debate , where Economy and Development will be the main topics. Yet unlike the previous two debates, this time there isn't an agreement yet on the dress code. This is because this upcoming debate will be taking place in the hot city of Mérida, Yucatán . The issue was brought up last week, when, between jokes, several representatives of presidential candidates commented on the baby blue guayabera the president of the Temporal Debate Commission, Benito Nacif, appeared in. The dilemma is clear: guayabera yes or no? Despite the strenuous heat, we have to consider formality will end up winning.

ISSSTE to investigate “contributions” and nepotism

We're told that there is an issue at the Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers ( ISSSTE ) which should be interesting for the Director of the Institute Florentino Castro to investigate. Mr. Florentino has received the suggestion to put under the microscope the case of the administrator of the Ignacio Zaragoza Regional Hospital Juan Pablo Uribe González . The accusations say this public official asks for “contributions” to those who want to become suppliers of goods and services for this medical unit. Moreover, he has several relatives working at the hospital, including three of his siblings. Given the information provided, the Director of the ISSSTE would do well if he ordered an investigation to confirm whether or not the public official has breached the trust of the institute, or to restore his reputation and good name.


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