
Is someone interested in taking Anaya's place?

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Rafael Moreno Valle, former Puebla Governor - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
01/03/2018 |10:01
Redacción El Universal
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Is someone interested in taking Anaya's place?

At a famous Japanese restaurant in Lomas de Chapultepec, there was an interesting meeting between the former Puebla Governor, Rafael Moreno Valle , and the national leader of the center-left Citizen's Movement Party (MC), Dante Delgado – both with a secure seat in the Senate as they are on the list of plurinominal candidates to Senator, courtesy of the PAN-PRD-MC coalition. Our sources say the chat was quite lively and that some of the observers didn't know whether the talk was about their future as legislators or the situation their presidential candidate is currently going through and the issue that's the talk of several coalition colleagues: Who would step in should Ricardo Anaya be unable to continue to run for president? Someone at that table, perhaps? Although these might be senseless questions because no one doubts their Front is strong, brimming with loyalty, and has no room for back-stabbing.

And another one bites her tongue

Luisa María Alcalde

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, the next Minister of Labor should Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) win the elections this July, had to bite her tongue...and what a bite it had to be. The former federal deputy participated in a forum on the labor law amendments at the Chamber of Deputies, and her main argument was to accuse of unionism as one of the sources of corruption in Mexico. And when the name of the union leader of Mexico's state-owned oil company – PEMEX – Carlos Romero Deschamps is mentioned – she said – it all calls back to a group of swindlers and cheats who have taken over the funds of the workers. Many of the attendants, according to our sources, rose their eyebrows. And where does that leave Napoleón Gómez Urrutia , leader of the miners' union who has been accused of embezzling 55 million dollars? Ah, in the list of MORENA's plurinominal candidates to the Senate, of course...

There are indeed troops at the PRI's headquarters

Given the show of force of generals comprising the presidential campaign of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the strategists of José Antonio Meade want to show they also have the troops. Thus, according to our sources, they will use their leaders in neighborhoods, common lands, municipalities, and, overall, of the states, to support the party's tasks and the presidential candidate: create a network, a citizen's support structure for the campaign for the different public offices at stake. PRI members want to cast aside the idea that “there are many generals and few troops.” Right.

And “key players” keep joining AMLO

Our sources say Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has in his structure the key to defending the vote in none other than former left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) and federal deputy Jesús Valencia Guzmán . The former head of the Iztapalapa borough was seen seating at the table of Mr. Andrés, Marcelo Ebrad , Alfonso Romero, and Yeideckol Polevnsky during a private meeting with sympathizers in Chihuahua. We're told that Valencia, who was involved in a scandal back in 2015 – when he crashed a luxury SUV given to him by a contractor when he was the head of the borough – supports left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) in structure issues in the north of the country. Another member more for MORENA'S honor roll
