
Slovak President Andrej Kiska visits Mexico

Slovak President Andrej Kiska is accompanied by business executives from the energy, automotive, telecommunications, and innovation sectors who are interested in finding business opportunities in Mexico

Mexico and Slovakia established diplomatic relations in 1993 - Photo: Taken from Presidencia de México Twitter account
22/11/2017 |18:23
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According to a press release issued by Mexico's Ministry of Foreign Affairs , the President of the Slovak Republic , Andrej Kiska , arrived in Mexico today for a State visit from November 21 to 23 . This will be the first visit of a Slovak president to Mexico.

According to the statement, Slovak President Andrej Kiska is accompanied by business executives from the energy, automotive, telecommunications and innovation sectors who are interested in finding business opportunities in Mexico.

Additionally, legal agreements to promote trade and investment, and to cooperate in sports, culture and youth-related activities will be signed.

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On Twitter, Mexico Presidency wrote in Spanish: Mexico and Slovakia signed legal instruments to promote trade and mutual investment, and to support cooperation in sports, culture and youth-related activities.”

On Tuesday, Mexico's President Peña Nieto welcomed his Slovak counterpart, with whom he worked in private and then in an extended meeting aimed to forge a closer and more dynamic relationship in all areas.

On Twitter, Mexico's Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote in Spanish: “At National Palace, Mexico's foreign minister Luis Videgaray accompanies Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto in the official welcome of the President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kiska.”

At the conclusion of the meeting, Enrique Peña Nieto explained that the meeting aimed to strengthen dialogue, understanding, and collaboration between the two countries.

Moreover, Peña Nieto thanked the solidarity of the Slovak people and their government for the aid provided after the devastating earthquakes that hit Mexico last September .

Mexico and Slovakia established diplomatic relations on January 1, 1993 , a 25-year-old friendship based on democracy, equality, and global responsibility.
