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Art, light, and sound, all come together to astonish you and shake your emotions with this exhibition that arrives for the first time in Mexico City from Berlin .
is a big-scale art installation that explores the complex impact of light and sound in human perception , according to the website of the event.
The installation is presented for the first time outside the city where it was created, Berlin, in Frontón Mexico , from November 5 and December 2 , although right now tickets are available until November 10 .
This stunning exposition of light and sound was created by light artist Christopher Bauder and musician Kangding Ray .
Skalar combines mobile mirrors, lights, a changing color scheme and the deep sound of the installation, which unchains sensory and psychological reactions , offering a new experience to feel art.
In Skalar, light is treated as a solid material that can be sculpted and shaped dimensionally.
The exhibition is performed continually and does not have a specific beginning nor end, so it invites visitors to stay for an indefinite time while sitting, standing up, or lying on the floor.
Skalar will take place from 14:00 to 22:00 , but the doors will be open since 13:00 , so it is advisable to arrive 30 minutes before the access time, which will be every hour.
Do not miss this opportunity to live and feel art in this audiovisual installation!