
Sian Ka'an, a turquoise water paradise

The Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve is one of the most important natural areas in Mexico

Sian Ka'an was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco - Photo: Taken from Maya Ka'an's Facebook account
04/01/2020 |11:06Samantha Michelle Guzmán |
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Less than 30 minutes away from Tulum , there are several channels with turquoise water surrounded by mangroves that look like a giant green wall. It is one of the most stunning landscapes in the , one of the most important natural areas in Mexico that is also classified as a . In some of these waterways, you can put on a life jacket and go with the flow through the jungle. There are no risks for you will be accompanied by guides who know the reserve to perfection.

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The guides are of Maya origin and work in an ecotouristic project . This two-days travel, called Ximbal Maya Circuit , is part of it and combines and tours.

Inside , on a boat, the tours show you crocodiles, dolphins, manatees, and howler monkeys.

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Amidst the paths, there are also cabins with palm roofs where members of the local communities teach you how cotton and sisal are spun.

You will be surprised by the guides’ knowledge about plants ; they can tell you their names, uses, and even tell you legends. You will meet the , native to the region. It does not sting and its honey has healing properties more powerful than any other kind of honey.

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In total, four communities are visited: Tihosuco , Señor , Felipe Carrillo Puerto , and Muyil . In each one, the guides will tell you stories and legends of the region.

is a website that gets you in touch with small touristic cooperatives established in Quintana Roo . Among the experiences you can find here are a night tour to a cave inhabited by snakes and bats, as well as nature tours in .

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