
Claudia Sheinbaum dissolves riot police

The Human Rights Commissions supports this decision and considers that the measure was necessary to prevent police brutality

Mexico City's riot police - Photo: Armando Monroy/CUARTOSCURO.COM
06/12/2018 |13:28EL UNIVERSAL in English/Gretel Morales |
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Starting on January 1st, 2019, the riot police will be dissolved in Mexico City . The police officers will join other groups or a new one will be created to help citizens in civil protection tasks, a force that cares for the vulnerable ones and is trained in civil protection tasks.

Moments after taking office as Mexico City's Governor, Claudia Sheinbaum said that this measure was a response towards the repression students faced in 1968, which culminated in the Tlatelolco massacre.

The 1 968's students movement was brutally repressed by the army and the riot police . During a fight between two schools, on July 23, 1968, Mexico City's riot police attacked the students and sprayed them with tear gas . Since then, the riot police was key in the repression of the students and was used to disperse d emonstrations, gatherings, and riots .

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herself was an active protester , as she was one of the leaders of the 1986-1987 strike at Mexico's National Autonomous University.

Now, 50 years later, the riot police will leave their characteristic uniform behind, they will be trained to help citizens and only a small group will be deployed to contain violent acts , said Mexico City's Minister of Security, Jesús Orta.

Also, the Human Rights Commission supports this decision. Mexico City's Human Rights Commission , led by Nashieli Ramírez Hernández , considers that the measure was necessary, as some people claim they were the victims of police brutality at the hands of the riot police.

She also said that this move will improve the perception people have of the police and will contribute to guaranteeing human rights.
