
Shaking hands with El Chapo’s mother still haunts the President

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Earlier this year, López Obrador met witth El Chapo's mother - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
16/06/2020 |09:13
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Shaking hands with El Chapo’s mother still haunts the President

President López Obrador r

ecently resumed his trips. On a trip to Xalapa, Veracruz, he was confronted by a group of people whose loved ones have gone missing , who asked him to talk to them and listen to their cases but when the request was declined, people reminded him that he did stop to talk to Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán’s mother but not to them. Some women eve hit the vehicle in hopes of getting attention from the President but were removed by members of his team. It seems like López Obrador will always be reminded about his handshake with El Chapo’s mother.

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The opposition fights back

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María Luisa Albores had a busy Monday

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