The secretary of Education of Michoacán , Alberto Frutis Solís , presented Rafael Eduardo Juárez Hernández , graduate of the Elementary School “19 de Octubre,” a scholarship for outstanding performance so that he continues his middle school studies next school year.

Rafael helps his mom to sell candie s in a crossroad in Morelia ; at the same time, he does his homework when the traffic light is in green.

After hearing from the story, the Secretary of Education went to the place and congratulated the minor for his academic responsibility.

Additionally, Solís invited the boy to give his best in his school education.

Alongside the scholarship, Rafael received a package of books , two packages of school supplies for him and his sister , and once the 2019-2020 school year begins, the secretary will visit his middle school.

Alberto Frutis even made public that he will endorse the middle school studies of the minor.

It must be mentioned that Rafael finished his elementary education with an average grade of 8.9, and despite the economic difficulties of his family, this has not been an obstacle to continue his studies.


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