
Santiago Nieto vs. Gertz Manero 

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Santiago Nieto is the head of the Financial Intelligence Unit - Photo: Diego Simón Sánchez/EL UNIVERSAL
27/05/2020 |09:24
Redacción El Universal
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Santiago Nieto vs. Gertz Manero 

It seems like there is a feud between the Financial Intelligence Unit and the Attorney General’s Office , regarding the Autonomous University of Hidalgo and its transfers worth millions, which according to U.S. authorities, are linked to drug cartels. Yesterday, a spokesperson for the FGR said this case “was torn down by a federal tribunal thanks to the lies of the UIF .” On the other hand, the UIF said it’s not true that the trial is lost and says it continues and that the main investigation against the university is carried out by the UIF. The government department led by Santiago Nieto added that the university's bank accounts are still blocked. The thing is both institutions are accusing each other of lying.


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Who is behind this Twitter account?

Yesterday, Twitter account @FONacionalMX accused journalists, intellectuals, comedians, public figures are the opposition . This account was created in January 2019, has 2,034 tweets, and tags several public figures in its posts. However, many of them have distanced themselves from the Twitter account and say they weren’t aware of its existence, and that they have never been part of this organization. A few hours after the account posted the infamous tweet, many were attacking and criticizing the alleged members of the group. Who is behind this Twitter account? Are they bots ?


Dr. López-Gatell​ has a virtual meeting with senators

This morning, Dr. Hugo López-Gatell finally met with Senators . The opposition is calling for the virtual meeting to be broadcasted on TV. The final decision is up to Morena senator Ricardo Monreal, who leads the Political Coordination Board. We’ve been told that although Monreal is willing to talk to the opposition, it is unknown if what Dr. Gatell has to say can be heard by the public, or if it should be kept among senators.


When will Congress return to work?

We’ve been told that Congress will host a virtual forum called Challenges and Obstacles in Latin American Countries amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, in regards to the role of congress during the public health crisis. The event will be lead by lawmaker Laura Rojas . Moreover, congress leaders from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, and Cuba are expected to participate in the virtual meeting. In Mexico, Congress has returned to work for a few days to ask for punishment for those behind the U.S.-led operation called “Fast and Furious” and the opposition discussed the public health crisis.

