
Santiago Nieto goes after the former Infonavit director

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Santiago Nieto is known for being a ruthless anti-corruption czar - Photo: Valente Rosas/EL UNIVERSAL
13/02/2020 |11:35
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Santiago Nieto goes after the former Infonavit director

David Penchyna

, the former Infonavit director, has been in hiding for 2 days, after it was revealed he authorized compensation for MXN $5,000 million to Telra Realty , for the cancellation of a contract. This week, it was announced that the Attorney General’s Office recovered MXN $2,000 million. We’ve been told that the head of the UIF , is going after Penchyna for transactions worth millions , made during the Peña Nieto administration . The thing is Penchyna was a politically exposed person for his long career as a government official and his transactions alarmed the Finance Ministry . If everything moves forward, the Infonavit case will go straight to the tribunals .

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Will business leaders buy the raffle tickets?

Some business leaders arrived at a state dinner last night, some feeling overwhelmed , as they were summoned by President López Obrado r so that they buy . The government has to sell 6 million tickets for MXN $500 each and the President expected business leaders to purchase 40,000 tickets worth MXN $20 million. The problem is that several companies are listed in th e stock market and it would be impossible for them to buy all those tickets, and the only alternative is for them to buy them personally.

Politicians to discuss outsourcing

Yesterday, Labor Minister Luisa María Alcalde announced a forum to discuss in the lower chamber . Alcalde participated in the open parliament in Senate , where they also discussed outsourcing. We’ve been told the news took senator Napoleón Gómez Urrutia by surprise, who was impatient and wanted to issue his opinion on the matter. Meanwhile, members of the outsourcing industry agreed to regulate outsourcing in order to stop abuse against workers. And although Alcalde and Gómez Urrutia were all smiles in the picture, the lawmaker wasn’t pleased.

Zaldívar proposed innovative reform

The Supreme Court had never proposed a reform but yesterday, it did. It’s also been a long time since a political character had achieved a consensus between all the political forces in Mexico, as in the case of , the president of the Supreme Court. A few hours the executive branch took the initiative as its own since it doesn’t have the faculty to present initiatives in Congress , all the political forces welcomed the project that looks to eradicate corruption , nepotism , and sexual harassment at the Judiciary .
