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Sheinbaum responde a Trump sobre declarar a cárteles como organizaciones terroristas; rechaza injerencia extranjera
PAN exige renuncia de Rubén Rocha Moya; Claudia Sheinbaum sigue protegiéndolo en “complicidad vergonzante”
No cesaremos ni nos rendiremos en nuestro llamado a la paz y justicia: Iglesia; pide ser persistentes en exigencia
Con reformas laborales, expertos ven estrategia de Morena; van a fortalecer su número de simpatizantes
The Mexican actress is known for being a human rights and health advocate .
Last week, we reported that Dr. Eva Ramón , who has been working on her project for 20 years, was able to completely eradicate the Human Papilloma Virus ( HPV ) in 29 women using a non-invasive technique called photodynamic therapy .
then congratulated the Mexican scientist and her team on their hard work, which could help prevent cervical cancer , the second cause of death among Mexican women.