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De colores y distintos tamaños, Comisión del INE aprueba boletas para elección judicial; falta voto del Consejo General
Comisión del INE aprueba recorte para organizar elección judical con 6 mil mdp; ajustan actividades de bajo impacto
Llega Navidad para choferes y repartidores; publican en el DOF decreto para derecho a seguro médico, indemnización y utilidades
Salinas de Gortari resurfaces
A most peculiar character, capable of shaking the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) to its very core, is back...curiously enough, at a time when the presidential candidate of the party is to be chosen. The former Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari will be here next week to present his second book of 2017 – he turned out to be quite prolific with a pen, didn't he? – this time on the North American Free Trade Agreement . The team of Mr. Carlos has called for a morning meeting at the College of Engineers, together with the former Ministry of Commerce, Herminio Blanco. Almost six years ago, Salinas de Gortari presented his book Walls, Bridges and Litorals . And now he has another one, on the trending topic of the season: NAFTA – during its renegotiation, no less. Most certainly we've been told the reappearance of the former president has nothing to do with the political definitions the PRI has to face. Who'd dare to think that?
Mancera stood Peña up
It's unclear if he didn't make it because of the traffic, a scheduling conflict, or because he flat out disagreed with the news, but the fact is the Mayor of Mexico City, Miguel Ángel Mancera , wasn't at Los Pinos when Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto announced the increase in the minimum wage and the creation of formal job opportunities in the country – over 3 million 300 during his administration. There were already 17 Governors present and Mancera was expected to make a speech as the leader of the National Conference of Governors. Mr. Enrique deliberately stalled for a little over 30 minutes, saying: “I thank you for your patience, the truth is that I've been stalling. Not only are we beginning later than expected, but, stalling, because some of the guests – governors, mainly – have had some trouble arriving at the venue due to traffic conditions.” According to the team of the Mayor of Mexico City, the absence was due to a delay in previous commitments.
The race of Barrales
We've been told Alejandra Barrales wants to have the coalition of the Citizen's Front for Mexico ready before December 9, date when she will be replaced as national leader of the Democratic Revolution Party ( PRD ). We've been told that now that she has enough powers and authority to negotiate the agreement of the coalition with the National Action Party ( PAN ) and the Citizen's Movement Party ( MC ), Ms. Alejandra is on a race against the clock to weave the agreement of the so-called “coding”, that is, determining which parties will run for which federal candidacies and, most importantly, the method to decide who will be presidential candidate of the Front – accepted by Miguel Ángel Mancera, Ricardo Anaya, and Rafael Moreno Valle. She's clearly not that busy.
MORENA gets a jump on the PRD
The growth of the National Regeneration Party ( MORENA ) at the Chamber of Deputies has bore fruit. Our sources say the fraction led by Rocío Nahle has been assigned 14 commission bodies, additional to the ones they already had. Moreover, the one who's clearly not pleased by this deal is the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) deputy Leonardo Amador, since the Commission on Matters of the Northern Border was taken away from him and given to MORENA, and Alejandro Ojeda will be the new head of that legislative body. MORENA has clearly gotten the jump on the PRD.