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Diputadas celebran a emprendedoras; reconocen a la doctora Araceli Alonso, incluida en las 100 mujeres líderes
Yasmín Esquivel defiende la reforma judicial en Con los de Casa; alejado de la realidad pensar que es una venganza política, afirma
Elección judicial: Aspirantes a cargos comparten carta de motivos y hasta currículum; “Justicia no debe ser inaccesible”, afirman
Niño de 3 años toca “la campana de la victoria” por vencer al cáncer; recibió quimioterapias en el IMSS
Tres de cada 10 estudiantes es víctima de violencia en planteles; exigen reforzar medidas de seguridad
Rosario Piedra vs. lawmakers
Rosario Piedra
, the head of the National Human Rights Commission ( CNDH ), can no longer avoid the media like she did last Thursday when she visited the Senate. Sources said that on Monday, Piedra Ibarra will participate in a virtual meeting with members of the Human Rights Commission at the lower chamber. Insiders said several opposition lawmakers will question the head of the CNDH regarding her administration, especially in connection with the occupation of the CNDH offices in Mexico City. Nevertheless, what Rosario Piedra could do is avoid questions and hide behind Morena lawmakers, just like she did at the Senate.
What’s going on at the MEIF?
When the federal government created the Extraordinary Forensic Identification Mechanism (MEIF), everything was positive in its relationship with victims’ families; however, sources said the MEIF was not included in the 2021 Budget. This upset NGOs, who now think the MEIF may be an illusion and may not have resources to operate. Experts say the Interior Ministry may allocate resources for the mechanism; nevertheless, this would contradict what Olga Sánchez Cordero said on December 5, 2019, when she promised the MEIF would have unlimited resources.
Ministers sell lottery tickets
Although the presidential plane raffle is a few days away, the federal government has yet to sell all the lottery tickets. The Mexican government is so desperate to sell tickets that Labor Minister Luisa María Alcalde asked people to purchase tickets during a press conference, and she even explained the benefits of purchasing lottery tickets.
The FCE & marijuana
All the bookstores under the Economic Culture Fund ( FCE ) have organized discussions to promote a comic titled “Marijuana for Beginners,” in collaboration with senator Jesusa Rodríguez, and the Hemispheric Institute (Instituto Hemisférico). The comic was published in 2019, and it aims to demystify the use of marijuana . Sources said Paco Ignacio Taibo II’s priorities are clear.