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The recent earthquakes that hit Mexico , an 8.2-magnitude quake on Thursday, September 7 followed by a 7.1-magnitude quake on Tuesday, September 19 , have caused an approximate $MXN 3 billion loss in the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) in the construction sector during the third quarter of the year, representing between 0.25% and 0.30% of the sector's production value, according to Forecastim , a specialized consultant in the construction sector and economic analysis.
Forecastim assured that the damage resulted from the earthquakes in homes, schools, hospitals, and roads is not recorded in the GDP while reconstruction and infrastructure improvements will be part of the indicator.
The GDP decrease in the construction sector is related to the fact that the most affected entities were Mexico City , Puebla , Morelos , Chiapas , Oaxaca and the State of Mexico , entities that have a great impact on the GDP performance, said Ricardo Trejo Nava, Forecastim President and CEO .
The main impact in the GDP will come from Mexico City and the surrounding urban areas since they encompassed the most dynamic areas or neighborhoods under construction and their activities were interrupted for several days. Followed by Puebla due to the damaged in the urban areas of its capital.
and Morelos have a minor impact on the GDP, yet the earthquakes affected their capitals and surrounding areas, and mainly their historical heritage , thus, both entities will be important in the GDP in reconstruction and infrastructure improvements.