
Reactions of the international press to Mexico's election result

This is how international news outlets and agencies reported the win of López Obrador, according to preliminary results

Reactions of the international press to Mexico's election result
02/07/2018 |14:00Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Close to 20:00 hours (GMT -5), international news outlets and agencies began to inform the world that according to early vote preferences, the candidate of the coalition “Together We'll Make History”, (MORENA, PT, PES) Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) , had a clear advantage to win the presidential contest.

U.S. newspaper, , published an article with the header “López Obrador, a leftist, wins sweeping mandate in Mexican presidential election."

Likewise, has already conceded the victory to AMLO. “Mr. López Obrador's victory puts a leftist leader at the helm of Latin America's second-largest economy for the first time in decades, a prospect that has filled millions of Mexicans with hope – and the nation's elites with trepidation.”

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For their part, the reported that López Obrador had a clear victory in the race for Mexico's Presidency, according to early results.

Meanwhile, announced that “Within two hours of polls closing, three of his main rivals have conceded defeat.”

Spanish newspaper , stated that “exit polls give a clear advantage to candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador.”

On their website, published their article with the following header: “Mexico election: historic landslide victory for leftist AMLO.”

In Venezuela, newspaper , opposing the regime of Nicolás Maduro, informed that “leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) has won the Mexican presidential election with a generous advantage against his rivals, according to exit polls.”

French newspaper wrote that “the leftist candidate AMLO had won the presidential election,” highlighting this victory comes after an election period marred by violence.
