
Pussypedia, an encyclopedia for cis, trans, non-binary, and intersex people

Over 200 people collaborated to make Pussypedia a reality

Pussypedia is free and is available in English and Spanish - Photo: Taken from the Pussypedia website
08/08/2019 |14:21EL UNIVERSAL in English/Gretel Morales |
Redacción El Universal
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Zoe Mendelson, Maria Conejo, and Michael Yap

created , a free, bilingual, inclusive encyclopedia that delves into female anatomy, sexuality, and health .

According to its website, the website “aims to address the lack of quality, accessible information about our bodies on the internet. Pussypedia is a community-sourced project: the product of people all over the world working together. It is a platform meant to facilitate our ability to collectively generate high quality, accessible information.”

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offers articles about anything: puberty, the clitoris, menstruation, trans health, and reproductive rights . It also offers a 3D interactive model to better understand the female body and how it works.

Why is Pussypedia so important?

Because this type of information is rarely available for girls and women or it is limited to cisgender women. Also, since it is a digital platform , it can reach a wider audience, anywhere in the world.

Moreover, Pussypedia offers a lot of reliable information for trans, non-binary, and intersex people .

Who is behind Pussypedia?

Over 200 people collaborated to make Pussypedia a reality.

You can support Pussypedia through donations or by purchasing products on Pussypedia's online store .

Maria Conejo

is a Mexican visual artist. Her main media is drawing. Her interest is to reveal the body as a gesture that communicates. She was a finalist in the First Illustration Biennial in Mexico, organized by Pictoline and NY Times in 2018. She has been awarded twice with the FONCA grant “Jovenes Creadores." Her art has been shown in De Kooning Studio in New York and Volcom Garden in Austin, Texas in 2019. Her work was included in the 2019 Juxtapoz Club House at Art Basel Miami and was part of the Invited Projects section at Salón Acme 6.
