
The PRI vs. Morena

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Morena and the PRI have been clashing in the Senate - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
02/06/2020 |09:31
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The PRI vs. Morena

We’ve been told that the ruling party Morena can’t agree on the agenda with the PRI in the Senate . Although the two parties don’t engage in confrontation, as the PAN and Morena do, they just can’t get along. This was the case with the legislative agenda because while Ricardo Monreal said Deputy Minister Jesús Seade will virtually meet with senators today, the PRI claimed the information wasn't true and that the meeting would take place on Thursday. Their feuds keep escalating.


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The PT wants to lead the lower chamber

Besides the measures implemented to prevent COVID-19 contagions, PT lawmaker Benjamín Robles Montoya shared more strategies to halt the spread of the virus. The lawmaker, who hails from Oaxaca, said he has been facing the pandemic by drinking mezcal and tlayudas. Just last week, the PT gained 4 new members, which could help the party lead the lower chamber for a year. Yesterday, Robles Montoya said the PT wants to become the third force in the lower chamber and lead it. The PRI has something to worry about besides the pandemic.


More budget cuts at the Conacyt

Despite the announcement made by Conacyt director María Elena Álvarez Buylla , regarding the conservation and protection of trust funds for its 26 Public Research Centers ; however, we’ve been told they will maintain budget cuts . At the National Ecology Institute , the laboratories will have to close until August. Meanwhile, the National Astrophysics Institute won’t grant scholarships, among other measures.


Monreal announced new book

We’ve been told that Ricardo Monreal is taking advantage of every second he is in the spotlight . Monreal took the opportunity to promote his new book during a virtual conference. He said: “This is a book I wrote several months ago, I finished it three months ago and revised it during the pandemic, Porrúa recently sent it to me, it’s already on sale and I recommend it.”

