
The President’s team doesn’t want El Chapo’s mother near him

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

María Consuelo Loera Pérez shook hands with the President in March - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
02/08/2020 |10:26
Redacción El Universal
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The President’s team doesn’t want El Chapo’s mother near him

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador will visit northern Mexico next week. He may stop by Nayarit, Baja California Sur, Sonora, and Sinaloa. However, his team is paying special attention to Sinaloa because last time López Obrador was there, María Consuelo Loera Pérez, “El Chapo” Guzmán’s mother, was present during an event in Badiraguato and shook hands with the Mexican President. Four months after the incident, the President’s opponents still remind him of this event. Sources said that President López Obrador’s logistics and security team will be paying attention to Sinaloa because they don’t want El Chapo’s mother, or her lawyer José Luis González Meza, to go near the President again. María Consuelo Loera hopes López Obrador will help her obtain a visa so she can visit the drug lord in a New York prison.

Morena lawmaker finds comfort in economic forecasts

Marco Antonio Medina, the head of the Finance Commission at the lower chamber, was some interesting information. Sources said the Morena lawmaker criticized the media who centered around the fact that Mexico’s GDP contracted by -17.3%, which he said was used to discredit the government’s economic policy. The lawmaker argues that “the reality” is that Mexico is doing better than many other nations. He listed first-world countries like the UK and Spain, which expected a contraction between 11% and 14%; however, the lawmaker is calmer since Mexico expected a contraction between 7.5% and 8.6%. Yesterday, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he wouldn’t compare Mexico with other countries.

The President’s daily news conference are everywhere

Sources said that besides sharing the President’s daily new conference on national TV and social media accounts, the federal government started to share graphic summaries of the most important issues discussed during the week. Sources said authorities will share this information on Saturdays so that people are up to date. Nevertheless, experts said this doesn’t mean the administration is transparent. Insiders at the INAI said their goal is to share information with society, especially from the Executive Branch, because talking to the media for two hours every day is not the same as accountability.

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López-Gatell didn’t receive much support

It seems like Dr. Hugo López-Gatell, Mexico’s COVID-19 czar, didn’t receive much support this weekend. For example, Ricardo Monreal Ávila, Morena’s leader in the Senate, said that attacking a member of the President’s cabinet only makes them stronger; however, no other Morena, PT, or PES member backed his message. Moreover, Monreal’s message doesn’t even deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Are Morena and its allies abandoning Dr. López-Gatell?
