
Presidential candidates close campaigns

The campaign period is over in Mexico and presidential candidates close campaigns across the Republic prior to election day

Photos (from left to right): Ariel Ojeda/EL UNIVERSAL; EFE/Press; Taken from Twitter account @JaimeRdzNL; Valente Rosas/EL UNIVERSAL
28/06/2018 |11:12Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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The national campaign closure of candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) , of the “Together We'll Make History” coalition, took place this Wednesday at the Azteca Stadium after the Mexico City government rejected his request to use the Zócalo as the venue for his last rally.

Presidential candidates close campaigns

(López Obrador in the Azteca Stadium – Photo: Valente Rosas/EL UNIVERSAL)

Obrador announced the event on Twitter, which would soon be referred to as the “ AMLOfest .”

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“I invite you to the Azteca Stadium for the campaign closure. The festival will begin at 5:00 pm. I'll see you there.”

It was rally which gathered thousands of his supporters and had the performances of singers Margarita, La Diosa de la Cumbia (“The Goddess of Cumbia), Susana Harp, Belinda , and Eugenia León, among others.

Presidential candidates close campaigns

(Belinda performing at the closing campaign rally for Obrador – Marco Ugarte/AP)

As for the other presidential candidates, Ricardo Anaya , of the “For Mexico to the Front” coalition, closed his campaign in León, Guanajuato – an important stronghold of the conservative National Action Party (PAN), given the party has been ruling the state for 30 years.

Presidential candidates close campaigns

(Ricardo Anaya in León - Photo: Ariel Ojeda/EL UNIVERSAL)

José Antonio Meade

, of the “All for Mexico” coalition, held his closing campaign rally in Coahuila , asking citizens to “think over” their votes and be wary of “authoritarian and anti-democratic alternatives.”

Presidential candidates close campaigns

(José Antonio Meade and his wife Juana Cuevas - Photo: EFE/Press)

Meanwhile, Jaime Rodríguez Calderón (El Bronco), the sole independent candidate of the contest, chose his native Galeana, Nuevo León , to conclude his campaign, assuring his supporters that regarding of the outcome, he would still be the Governor of Nuevo León.

Presidential candidates close campaigns

(Taken from Twitter account @JaimeRdzNL)

Rodríguez also held a “Big Digital Closing Rally” on Facebook , claiming that most of his campaign was done online and through social networks and thus he would close it that way as well.

“Do not miss the historic [Big Ditial Closing Rally], we're live. Share the video and be part of the change we'll do in Mexico. Tag your friends, let no one miss it.”
