The President vs. the INE

On December 24, President criticized the high cost of the new voter identification card issued by the National Electoral Institute . It seems like no one told the President that this is the cheapest ID produced by the INE , which costs MXN $12. Sources explain that although the deal will cost millions, this is a multi-annual agreement that established low prices. Moreover, the new ID will have 16 different security measures, which guarantees electoral processes and prevents crimes such as identity theft . It seems like President López Obrador was given the wrong information.

Diplomatic crisis between Mexico and Bolivia

Today, the Foreign Affairs Ministry will meet with the Bolivian chargé d'affaires in Mexico. So we’ll see what will be the ’s response, which will push Mexico to make a decision, as it has warned that it will take political and legal action if Bolivia doesn’t stop harassing Mexican diplomats . So while the Mexican government is worried about an armed incursion in the embassy , the Bolivian government fears that some former officials will avoid justice by taking refuge in the Mexican embassy . The situation is getting tenser.

Crisis at the Conacyt

The National Science and Technology Council ( ) has announced that it will cancel the call to participate in the Incentive Program for Research, Technological Development , and Innovation because the institute doesn’t have enough resources .

The President takes a few days off

After Christmas , will take a break and his last news conference will take place on December 27 and will take five days off; this will be his first vacation since taking office. After spending a few days with his family, the President will return to work on January 2, 2020.


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