
President López Obrador's challenge

The President recognized his government's main challenge: insecurity

The President issued his first state of the union - Photo: Ivan Stephens/EL UNIVERSAL
02/09/2019 |08:16
Redacción El Universal
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During the state of the union address , every Mexican President has taken the opportunity to talk about their achievements , to say that the country is moving towards the right path, and release figures that support their claims. The pending issues are barely mentioned, while the mistakes are ignored.

Yesterday, the message President López Obrador sent from the National Palace wasn't too different from the ceremonies organized during the last 19 years, when the Presidents stopped attending Congress to read their reports.


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s in previous administrations, the President listed his achievements, which are polemic and questionable for some sectors, although this time, the President recognized his government's main challenge: insecurity . He said that the results are not good, that there's still a lot of work left to do to obtain the desired results, and that there is collusion between criminals and authorities .

The diagnosis is not different from what experts have been saying in recent years. During previous administrations, the complicity between police officers and authorities became evident went municipal police forces were intervened and all the elements were fired because they were linked to organized crime , nevertheless, this practice has yet to be eradicated. Today, EL UNIVERSAL reveals that 50% of the police commissioners evaluated in the state of Mexico are unfit to provide public security for their alleged links to criminal groups .

In the resolution of the national needs, nine months is a short period to affirm that the goals set by the government have been fulfilled and it's also a short time to demand the eradication of violence , a phenomenon that struck Mexico over a decade ago. Therefore, it is too soon to say that goals have been achieved because the government is still in an orientation process and it is a long path.

In regards to security and other issues, Mexico needs a country that is self-critica l more than one that dwells on self-praise .
