
President López Obrador will have to wear a face mask

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

For months, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has avoided wearing a face mask - Photo: Carlos Mejía/EL UNIVERSAL
28/05/2020 |09:10
Redacción El Universal
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President López Obrador will have to wear a face mask

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has avoided wearing a face mask for months; however, he will have to wear one of he plans to take a flight. We’ve been told that since the novel coronavirus arrived in Mexico , the President said he wouldn’t wear one because Dr. Hugo López-Gatell didn’t recommend its use. Nevertheless, if President López Obrador travels to Cancún next Monday, he will have to wear a face mask. Photographers will be ready to document the moment when the Mexican President finally puts on a mask.


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Supreme Court minister votes against the government

Yesterday, Supreme Court minister Margarita Ríos Farjat voted against the federal government. Ríos Farjat voted in favor of Cofece officials earning more than the President. In the end, the majority voted in favor of the Cofece. Therefore, even when minister Farjat was appointed to the Supreme Court by President López Obrador , she voted in favor of the Cofece. This shows she is an independent minister.


The CNDH vs. the UNAM

We’ve been told that the National Human Rights Commission ( CNDH ), led by Rosario Piedra Ibarra, is promoting information that discredits current and former UNAM authorities that disagree with the federal government . Some of them say that now that the country is going through a pandemic , it seems wrong to silence academics and scientists who disagree with official numbers. The situation would be even more serious if the instruction to silence them comes from the Senate , where they allegedly control the CNDH’s communication office.


The sale of a soccer team upset some politicians


team Monarcas from Morelia was sold to Mazatlán for MXN 400 million. It seems the transaction upset some Michoacán politicians, including PAN leader Marko Cortés , who sent a message to Sinaloa Governor Quirino Ordaz through Twitter. Others who were upset include former President Felipe Calderón .

