
President López Obrador is not into luxuries

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

The President previously said the Quinta Maya would be sold- Photo: Sergio Tapia/EL UNIVERSAL
01/06/2020 |09:21
Redacción El Universal
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President López Obrador is not into luxuries

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador refused to stay at a presential home located in Cozumel, Quintana Roo , called Quinta Maya . Now that he has resumed his activities, López Obrador stayed at the military headquarters . A year ago, the Mexican President announced the Quinta Maya would be auctioned but for some reason, it hasn’t been sold yet. Maybe someone inside the government doesn’t want it to go on sale?


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The Supreme Court will have an interesting week

In the upcoming days, the Supreme Court will analyze a request to revoke the Civic Culture Law, which was made by the CNDH . The human rights watchdog considers that the Mexico City Congress doesn’t have the faculties issue these types of laws and that this law violates human rights. It will be an interesting week for the ministers, who in recent weeks dealt with cases that involved the Cofece, Inegi, and President López Obrador.


Alcalde and López-Gatell will meet with lawmakers

This week, lawmakers will have a virtual meeting with Labor Minister Luisa María Alcalde and Dr. Hugo López-Gatell. Last week, Minister Alcalde was criticized for not wearing a face mask to a grocery store. Deputy Health Minister López-Gatell will likely discuss the “ new normal; ” moreover, he might reveal who allowed President López Obrador to resume his activities. This will be an interesting chat.


Serenading healthcare workers

During times when healthcare workers might not receive much recognition and sometimes they are even attacked, we’ve been told that health workers at the IMSS are happy about a concert broadcasted on Saturday. The concert was dedicated to doctors and nurses and it was a way to say thank you for their work. We’ve been told that the one in charge of the concert was Televisa CEO , Bernardo Gómez.

