
The President and PAN governors quarrel over the Insabi

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

The President met with PAN governors on February 4 - Photo: Taken from the President’s Twitter account
05/02/2020 |11:01
Redacción El Universal
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The President and PAN governors quarrel over the Insabi

A week of negotiations between the federal government and and their local Health Ministers in order for the state governments to join the Insabi have suddenly ended. We’ve been told that PAN governors had reached an initial agreement with Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez , the Health Undersecretary . Nevertheless, the governors were met with a warning from President López Obrador : they join the program or not as the PAN members argue that the President refused to recognize the initial agreement and basically told them that the government official doesn’t know much about politics .

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Immigrants are at risk in Mexico

According to the federal government , the traveling through Mexico towards the U.S. border are exposed to all sorts of risks and at the mercy of criminals . A perfect example is an incident that took place yesterday in San Andrés Tuxtla, Veracru z, where a truck carrying migrants overturned , which resulted in one death and dozens of wounded people. We’ve been told that over 80 migrants were traveling in the truck. These types of tragedies take place when immigrants are allowed to enter Mexico without any restrictions, who are threatened by smugglers . Now, we’ve been told that it seems strange that human rights groups that are supposed to defend the rights of migrants condemn the measures implemented by migration authorities .



Russian official visits Mexico

It’s been over a decade since a Russian minister visited Mexico . But with the new government, Serguéi Lavrov , the Foreign Affairs Minister of , will meet with Minister Marcelo Ebrard in Mexico City tomorrow. We’ve been told they’ll discuss bilateral , regional , and global issues , including the situation in Venezuela , as both countries have the same position in regards to the conflict . In addition, the visit of the Russian official takes place on the 130th anniversary of the relationship between Mexico and Russia . However, it’s still unknown if Serguéi Lavrov will meet with President López Obrador .


Pensions are Mexico’s biggest nightmare

As a result of electoral reasons , no political party presented any proposal in regard to . Those who know about budgets and demographics warn that the retirement age has to increase to 65 or 68, however, this measure would affect any party in the 2021 elections . The court ruling that dictates the reduction of pensions from 25 to 10 minimum wages is just a taste of the nightmare that is to come.

