
Popular New Year’s Eve traditions in Mexico

There are many ways to bring joy and good luck into the New Year

Happy New Year! - Photo: Cristopher Rogel Blanquete/EL UNIVERSAL
31/12/2019 |15:21
Redacción El Universal
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Going out with a suitcase at midnight, ringing bells , throwing coins , eating grapes , sweeping around the house, or putting miniature lambs behind doors are some of the most popular rituals to attract good luck in the New Year and which are practiced by many people to get rid of bad energies from the previous year.

In an interview, Alicia, who sells products for New Year , said that there are many rituals performed by people to welcome the year and that can vary from the more sophisticated to the most simple ones, like eating a spoon of lentils to guarantee abundance or throwing water to eliminate negativity .

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Likewise, people can write down a list of all the bad things that happened in the year and burn it so that they may not come back, or receiving the year with all the lights in the house on to irradiate prosperity and success , but if what you want is to attract love , the most famous ritual is related to underwear .

“We have thongs, boxers, bras, and panties in red and yellow because those colors mean love and money . This year there are many models for men, from boxer briefs to thongs,” added Alicia.

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She asserted that many people do not know that for this ritual to work, the underwear must be a gift from somebody else and it must be worn inside out. In addition, she said that those who already have money and love in their lives can wear other colors.

Those who are looking to have a very active sex life must wear black underwear.

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If you are looking for security and calmness , then blue is the color for you.

However, if what you want us transformation and spirituality , you must wear purple underwear.

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But if you want stability and to strengthen your relationships, white or pink underwear is ideal for you.

Although it is perhaps the most famous ritual, underwear is not the only option you have to bring joy into the New Year .

If you want to travel on the New Year, the ritual says that you have to go out to the street and walk around your block carrying a suitcase .

Some people think that if you want to get rid of negative energies from the previous year, then you must sweep your house at midnight.

Another tradition is to write down your New Year’s resolutions . They must be 12 and they can be related to any matter you want to improve in your life. Whether you fulfill them or not, it is always an interesting activity that requires introspection .

Are you ready now to welcome the New Year ?

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