
Pope Francis donates COVID-19 ventilators to Mexico

Pope Francis donated 27 ventilators to several Latin American countries

Pope Francis celebrates Mass at the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe, where her image is displayed behind, in Mexico City – Photo: Marco Ugarte/AP
23/07/2020 |13:43
Redacción El Universal
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has donated 27 ventilators to Latin American countries to help them combat the , as informed on Friday by the in a statement.

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The donation took place in recent weeks through the Papal Charities and different diplomatic nunciatures.


Four ventilators were donated to Haiti hospitals, two were donated to the Dominican Republic ; two to Bolivia , four to Brazil , three to Colombia , two to Ecuador , three to Honduras , four to Venezuela , and three more to Mexico .

Moreover, Pope Francis has ordered to donate two ventilators to Cameroon , Zimbabwe , Bangladesh , and Ukraine each.


Pope Francis has expressed his concern regarding the coronavirus pandemic and also donated this kind of equipment to Italy and Spain in March when both countries were in the most critical stage of the .

Among other actions, he also auctioned gifts from several athletes to raise funds for the pandemic.

